
With a mutual passion for visual storytelling that ‘opens eyes’, starts dialogue, and ultimately ‘changes perspective’, Karin and Rob Schermbrucker launched Slingshot Media on Freedom Day in 2007.

They have dedicated their lives to travel the globe – to capture and tell stories of hope and inspiration that serve communities and clients- celebrating a freedom that is every persons promise and right.

They are a nimble, family run production company with a trusted network of experienced practioners and storytellers, across the various mediums of photography, film and motion graphics. This collaborative platform allows them to respond quickly and effectively around the country and continent.

“All men dream dreams, but not equally. Those who dream in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible…”

With a mutual passion for visual storytelling that ‘opens eyes’, starts dialogue, and ultimately ‘changes perspective’, Slingshot Media was launched on Freedom Day in 2007.

A nimble, family run production company with a trusted network of experienced practitioners and storytellers, across the various mediums of photography, film and motion graphics. This collaborative platform allows them to respond quickly and effectively around the country and continent.


Karin Schermbrucker spends most of her time traveling the African continent,  committed to take photographs that change people’s perspectives and open eyes.

After many years she remains passionate about taking pictures that reflect something bigger than herself. “I see my camera as a bridge, which has the capacity to cross the divide that sometimes exists between people of different cultures, classes, languages and beliefs and I have had my eyes opened in the process…”

“Giving a child a camera, is like giving an explorer a compass, who knows what lands they will discover!”


“If culture is shaped at the feet of storytellers, and  if we are the result of the stories we have heard and believed, then let us tell better stories, better.” 

We have had the opportunity of traveling to many parts of the world- asking questions, sharing life and learning to respectfully share the stories of those we meet.

Privileged to work with many diverse organizations and individuals that are helping to serve and transform communities around the globe, we continue to believe that visual media has the power to start dialogue and potentially change the world.

To the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” a favorite suggestion has always been, “Invite your friends to the feast” so with the collaborative nature of filmmaking these days, we have thrived on working with talented, passionate people around the world.